NC State
Simpson Laboratory

July 31, 2023

– Research team awarded major grant to develop a robotic lab that will accelerate molecular discovery

February 27, 2023

– Alumna Gains Confidence for Medical Career at NC State

October 12, 2022

– Integrative Sciences Initiative: Fostering Cross-Discipline Collaboration at NC State

June 4, 2022

– Skylar Named a Beckman Scholar

September 24, 2019

– CALS Renovation Nation

April 2, 2019

– From Bank Teller to the Head of Biochemistry

February 21, 2018

– Faculty Focus: Cancer Researcher Aims to Alleviate Suffering

February 12, 2018

– The Simpson Laboratory currently has two post-doctoral positions available as described below.  If you are interested in a position, please apply directly using the links provided.

Position #1:  This postdoctoral position will study the impact of extracellular matrix turnover on endocytic recycling and exosome biogenesis during prostate tumor progression using animal and cell culture and mouse models. These studies will be used by this position to conduct a vigorous research program in the Department of Molecular and Structural Biochemistry to determine the role of extracellular matrix synthesis; turnover in vesicle trafficking; and exosomal communication during the progression of prostate cancer. Application of this position’s research studies will be completed using modern techniques in molecular biology; mamalian cell culture and transfection; in vitro protein analysis (western, immunoprecipitation, immunifluorescence); and mouse models of tumor progression.  APPLY 

Position #2: This postdoctoral position will study hormonal control mechanisms in prostate tumor progression using animal and cell culture models. These studies will be used by this position to conduct a vigorous research program in the Department of Molecular and Structural Biochemistry. Application of this position’s research studies will be completed using modern techniques in molecular biology; mammalian cell culture and transfection; in vitro protein analysis (western, immunoprecipitation, immunoflourescence); and mouse models of tumor progression.  APPLY

Both positions will actively interact with fellow researchers within the Department of Molecular and Structural Biochemistry of NC State University; the Department of Animal Science of NC State University; clinical cancer researchers through membership in the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center; and members of the NC State College of Veterinary Medicine.

August 12, 2017

– Congratulations to Dr. Michelle Howell and Dr. Christine Booth  on the completion of their Ph.D. programs!

April 10, 2015

– Congratulations to Caitlin McAtee and Abbey Berkebile on their publication in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

McAtee CO, Berkebile AR, Elowsky C, Fangman T, Barycki JJ, Wahl JK 3rd, Khalimonchuk O, Naslavsky N, Caplan S, Simpson MA. (2015) Hyaluronidase Hyal1 increases tumor cell proliferation and motility through accelerated vesicle trafficking. J Biol Chem. 2015 Apr 8. pii: jbc.M115.647446. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25855794











July 29, 2014

– Congratulations to Caitlin McAtee on the publication of her review on human hyaluronidases! The manuscript was published today in Advances in Cancer Research:

McAtee CO, Barycki JJ and Simpson MA. (2014) Emerging roles for hyaluronidase in cancer metastasis and therapy. Invited review. Adv Cancer Res. 2014;123:1-34. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-800092-2.00001-0.






May 9, 2014 –

Congratulations to Dr. Aja Hyde and Dr. Caitlin McAtee on the completion of their Ph.D. programs!